Until four months ago, I shared the attitude of many other men concerning the handjob. It was something to settle for when "real" sex wasn't possible for one reason or another. My opinion has drastically changed, thanks to Edith. Edith is a nurse and a neighbor. One Tuesday she dropped in to ask me for some help with her insurance claim. Tuesday is my day off from my job as a claims adjuster. I had just gotten up, so all I had on was a short bathrobe. Edith and I sat on the sofa going over her papers. Her thigh was pressing against mine and the smell of her recently shampooed hair was driving me up the wall. Before long I had an erection, which I tried to conceal under the papers on my lap, but I didn't fool Edith even a little. The next thing I knew she was gathering up her insurance forms and saying, "Look, I don't see how you can concentrate on my problems in that condition, so let's take care of yours first." She took my hand and led me into the kitchen, where she unbelted my robe and whisked it off me. I could feel my face getting hot and red as I stood there nude, my erection angled up, in front of my gorgeous neighbor. She told me to lie on my back on the floor with my hands locked behind my head and my legs folded Indian-style. I obeyed instantly, because I didn't want to blow what I thought was my first opportunity to screw Edith, something I'd been dying to do ever since I first met her three years before. Edith said, "I don't want you to move, okay?" She began searching the kitchen cabinets until she found a bottle of corn oil. Then she knelt on the floor by my hip and sat back on her heels. She filled her hand with oil and began rubbing my belly and thighs with both hands. Almost automatically I reached out and touched her thigh, which was covered by tight blue jeans she wore. She also wore a tight white t-shirt and no bra, so she looked delicious. Instantly Edith took her hands off me and said, "Keep that position and don't touch me again." She was very serious, so I clasped my hands behind my head once again. Then she resumed her oily massage, which now included my scrotum. As I got more and more excited, I would wiggle my hips, trying to bring my throbbing erection into contact with Edith's hands. Each time I'd move even a tiny bit, she would stop whatever delightful thing she was doing and take her hands away. Finally, at long last, Edith filled her hand with oil once again and curled her fingers around my now-purple shaft. I couldn't help gasping when she touched my cock for the first time. She used one hand or two hands, a tight grip or loose grip, rapid strokes or slow strokes, even one-way strokes -- just upward or just down. Whenever I was close to the brink, Edith would stop in the nick of time. After about an hour, I was so close I could taste it, so I thrust just once in an effort to gain from Edith's hands that tiny bit of extra friction I needed to open fire. Edith immediately stopped everything and glared at me, saying, "Look, I want you to keep perfectly still so if you try that again I'll walk out and leave you like this." Then she resumed the sweet torture for another hour, during which I nearly went out of my mind. Finally she refilled her right hand with oil, gripped my cock and began purposeful, regular, medium-rate strokes. My mind raced. Was this going to be it? Was she going to let me squirt? Or was she going to stop me again at the brink? I had mixed feelings, or course. I desperately wanted to come off, but I hated to have our scene come to and end. The choice wasn't mine to make, of course. Edith was in complete charge, and it soon became evident that she was going to let me get off this time. When I ejaculated it was with a power that scared me. It was truly brain-busting and seemed to last for many minutes. Edith must have been impressed by my orgasm, because I could hear her exclamations as I was shooting. "Wow!" "Oooh!" "Oh my God!" I couldn't move when it was over. Edith's insurance forms were forgotten. She washed her hands and asked me if she could come over the following Tuesday. Of course I said I'd love to see her. And we've done the same scene once a week for the past four months. Edith stays fully dressed, and I'm not allowed to touch her, let alone kiss her. On two occasions I didn't get off. The first was the time I was half out of my mind with lust for Edith, after being teased for almost two hours. I touched her bare thigh, under her skirt, which had ridden way up when she knelt down. I immediately regretted doing that because Edith walked out, saying, "Well, I hope you have more self-control next week." My begging did no good at all. Then, just two weeks ago, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I began rapidly thrusting my hips up and down, trying to get off. Again, Edith took off, this time without a word, and I didn't come that day. I long to strip Edith, kiss her all over and make love to her, but I know this will never happen. She won't tell me why she will only masturbate me and why she won't let me budge an inch while she is doing it. I even begged her to at least undress to the waist while she is doing it, but no way. All she said was, "Look, if you don't like what we're doing, just say so and I won't come over anymore. Otherwise, just relax and enjoy it, all right?" To which I could only reply, with a sigh, "All right."